First Church of Jerusalem
Welcome to the love, life, and joy of the first Christian family
First Church of Jerusalem
Welcome to the love, life, and joy of the first Christian family
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If you have questions, here are some answers to those most often asked. If your questioned isn't answered here, then please email it to us below and we will get back to you. Thank you.
Should I join a church?
The moment we accept Jesus as our Saviour and Lord we become a member of the invisible and universal church which is the mystical body of Christ on earth and in heaven. Your name was written in Heaven at the moment you took that step. When we speak of 'joining a church' what we are really talking about is coming into fellowship with other believers (see next question). This imprecise use of language can easily give the impression that unless we join a particular Christian group or denomination we are not Christians. Indeed, sometimes those who do not currently attend a specific church are seen as having fallen away from the faith, which may or may not be so. It is no sin to join a specific church, and as we will see in the answer to the next question, it is good to meet with other believers and we are wise not to neglect it. But we must be clear that every believer is already in God's church, and has also been made a priest by Him, whether they attend a congregation or not.
Should I meet with other believers?
Yes, it is good to be part of a group of believers where we can enjoy friendship, fellowship, inspiration, and encouragement. It is not necessary to be part of a church community in order to be saved and to walk with God. This is the Holy Spirit's work when we give our life to Him. But it is necessary to join with other believers if we are going to live our new life to the full, and be most effective in the calling God has for us, because working together with others, under the headship of Christ, we can have a far greater positive impact in our world than we could ever have on our own.
How do I find the group of believers that God is connecting me with?
Pray and ask God where you should be, trusting Him to guide you. It's OK to look at the various options and prayerfully consider them before making your choice. Take as long as you need, and don't commit to anything until you have an assurance from God in your spirit that it is where He wants you to be. Then join.
Can I join the First Church of Jerusalem?
Yes, anyone may join. We are a global community of friends drawn from every nation, tribe, and tongue. If you would like to be part of our First Church of Jerusalem community, we would love to welcome you. We are an inclusive fellowship who oppose and reject every kind of unloving prejudice and discrimination, knowing that our acceptance is a free gift from God through the Cross of Christ . Whether you choose us as your church home, or you join us as a committed member of another church, we are overjoyed to have you with us and we will look forward to all our future celebrations of God's love together.
Can I join the First Church of Jerusalem if I am already a member of another church?
Yes, of course you can, because you are simply connecting with the heritage of your own church and its first century roots. If you are a member of a church, that's great. We don't encourage people to 'change their address' when it comes to church membership, but to continue where God has planted them. But, we do encourage them to join with us in our mission to bring the life of the first church to all the churches in our day. Given that we are all part of that first church, by virtue of it being our common beginning, there is never any question of leaving a church to join it. If we are in any part of the church, we are, by definition, already in and of the first church! So, come on board! Come and join us in the river of life that flows from the Cross.
- Join us TodayDon't be afraid to reach out. You + us + Jesus = awesome!
© 2019